October 15, 2024
Members of the North Linn Horticulture class are looking for plants to propagate in the high school greenhouse. Thus, if you have any of the following plants, the horticulture class would be willing to take possession of the plants until the spring and then give you back the original plant or cuttings off of the plant. Plants wanted include Gerbera Daisies, Fushias, Geraniums, Philodendron, Kalanchloes, Lantana, Rex Begonia or any type of Begonia, Dracanae, Pothos, Coleus, Aloe Vera, Christmas Cactus, Gardenias, Petunias, Moss Rose, Goldfish Plants, Crossandra, Chrysanthemums, and Dahlias. Please contact Tom Murray by email at Thank you!