MS/HS Daily Bulletin

March 27, 2025

Daily Bulletin North Linn Community School District Logo

Today is:  Thursday, March 27
Middle School Day: 1
1:15 Dismissal today and no school tomorrow, March 28th

Parent/ Teacher Conference Tonight!

Hot dog w / bun
Wedge fries
Apple wedges

Happy Birthday to:  Addison R, Jordy W and Toxy R today and this weekend to Will S and Leah W                                                                                                                                                                                             

Homeroom Activities:
Sharpen the Saw
FCA Officers Meeting


Softball players, there will be a mandatory player meeting in Mr. Wheatley's room on Tuesday, April 1 @ 5 PM. 

The lost and found area in the Middle School is full of items. Please take time to see if anything is yours. All items left after today will be donated.

Seniors and Early grad students- please check your email for CPR grad requirement information and sign up. Last day to sign up is Monday 3/31. Questions please see Nurse Ashtin

The lost and found area in the Middle School is full of items. Please take time to see if anything is yours. All items left after Parent Teacher Conferences will be donated.

FBLA SLC members we will be leaving at 11:00 am on Sunday for the conference.

Seniors, there are a lot of scholarships that are due this week and next. Be sure you are actively checking the local, state, regional, and national scholarship pages on Ms. Schmidt's website.

There will be a HS Baseball meeting in Coach Griff's room right after school.  If you can't make the meeting, contact Coach Griff ASAP.

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North Linn Community School District's mission is to create a proud learning community where everyone counts and everyone cares. The district members are committed to developing an educational environment that offers the maximum opportunity for all students to learn and become a respectful member of the community at all levels from family to global.
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